Friday, June 11, 2010

June 10th- Arriving in South Africa

June 10th , 2010

I am finally in Johannesburg, South Africa after almost 48 hours of travel (22 in the air). Staying at the Comfort Inn by JFK airport was more of an adventure than I thought. With 8 adults, my 1 1/2 year old son, 14 suitcases, 8 carry-ons and 3 instruments, the "quick" overnight was challenging. But we managed, as Joseph who drove the airport shuttle was nice enough to reserve a bus just for us and save us a trip on the air train. Sooner than I knew it, we were on our way to Dubai. Emirates was incredible. For a long flight, we couldn't have asked for a better airline (including food) and Leo even smiled during most of the 12 hours. It was a bit of a wait in Dubai (6 hours) but I caught up on emails and even managed to catch a few winks on an airport lounge chair. We boarded Emirates again at 2:30 for the last 8 hours of our journey.

This time Finding Nemo ran almost constantly for Leo, but I needed to do whatever would keep him happy. When the pilot announced we were about to land, I couldn't believe that we were finally arriving. But just 8 degrees ground temperature? Wasn't I in Africa?

The brand new airport in Johannesburg settled any fleeting worries that I had. The incredible colours on the floors and the walls and the huge posters with Nelson Mandela's face (and other Africa icons) warmly greeted us with "welcome to south africa and FIFA 2010". It was an incredible feeling. The spirit of the World Cup was everywhere. It was particularly evident on the smiling faces of the airport staff and every South African who was so proudly representing their country.

My mom's high school friend Sheba and her daughter Ruthie were there to pick us up along with the driver, Pip, who I hired to take us to and fro all of the shows that were lined up in the next few days. We dropped off 2 of my bandmates Kevin and chendy at a beautiful hotel The Foxwood Inn in Houghton. It was almost midnight by the time we arrived at my cousin Rochelle's house. Thank you Rochelle for taking us in!!

My cousin made sure to show us where the key was for the large iron gate that locked us all in before we finally went off to sleep. It wasn't until morning that it hit me that I was really in Africa. The palm trees outside my window, the fresh breeze of African air, and the sound of the vuvuzelas wakened me from a deep sleep. Not to mention the sound of my son's cry at 6 am, but not bad considering the time difference.

Today I spent 3 hours trying to get an internet connection which blew any plans of touring that we had. The traffic is quite insane here and going to get worse during this world cup. We had dinner at Monte Casino and watched young groups of kids vying to be the best FIFA dance troup (doing the disky dance).

Now I'm trying on my dresses for my performances. Tomorrow at Newtown and Sandton, Soweto on Saturday, and back to Sandton on Sunday. I'm nervous and excited and honoured to be part of this event. I better get some sleep. Pip is picking us up at 8 am. And Leo has just started to scream. I'll get back to you soon.



  1. I'm following this amazing journey ... a vicarious trip back to where I was born and grew up. I last lived in Santon circa '70 ... all fields and open space .. not now i believe. Houghton was the stomping ground of other family and actually went to Houghton Primary School... if it still exists! What memories. I'm fascinated and can't wait to hear how your performance go. They will love you!

    Michael (Schach)

  2. Thank you for including us in your fantastic trip and experiences, Amanda! We're all looking forward to hearing about your performances, the sights and sounds of Africa, and how your family made it through that first game! 1-1 tie... it couldn't have worked out better!

    Paula and Les
